Job searching isn’t just about applying for jobs and hoping to get called for an interview anymore. It’s more complicated than that, especially in a competitive job market. The most successful job seekers utilize a variety of job search strategies to help them stand out from the crowd.
Here are job search strategies you can use to expedite your job search, find connections that can help, get your resume noticed, and have companies find you, ace an interview, and get a job offer.
Search Crowd Stand Out from the Job Search Crowd The job market is crowded and one of the most important job search strategies you can use is make sure that you stand out from the job searching crowd and show the hiring manager that you are a candidate who definitely should be selected for an interview.
Right Jobs Search for the Right JobsUse the job search engines to find jobs by using keywords that match your interests and the location where you want to work. Narrowing your search criteria will save time, will help you focus your job search and will give you more relevant job listings to review and less non-relevant job listings to weed through.
Cover Letter Customize Your Resume and Cover Letter It’s important to take the time to write targeted resumes and cover letters that specifically link your qualifications to the hiring criteria for the jobs you are applying for. The hiring manager will be able to see, at a glance, why, and how, you are qualified for the job. You’ll have a much better chance of getting an interview than if you send a generic letter and resume.
Your Network Use Your NetworkThe job market is crowded and one of the most important job search strategies you can use is make sure that you stand out from the job searching crowd and show the hiring manager that you are a candidate who definitely should be selected for an interview.
Search Engine Rank Well on Search EngineCreate profiles on LinkedIn, Visual CV and other professional networking sites. Use your name for the URL, if possible. When prospective employers search you on search engines, those profiles typically rank high, so you will provide recruiters, employers, and contacts with a strong positive and professional impression of you as a candidate they should be interested in.
Hiring Job Search Where Companies Are HiringIf you’re aware of where companies are seeking applicants, you can position yourself to increase your chances of getting found by hiring managers. One of those important job search strategies you can use is to focus your efforts on the same job sites that companies are using to recruit.
Search Crowd Stand Out from the Job Search CrowdThe job market is crowded and one of the most important job search strategies you can use is make sure that you stand out from the job searching crowd and show the hiring manager that you are a candidate who definitely should be selected for an interview.
Companies Make Sure Companies Can Find YouWhen you’re conducting a job search, you need to make it easy for employers to find you online. Employers, who can be inundated with resumes when they post jobs, often seek passive candidates (qualified candidates who aren’t necessarily looking for work, but who may be interested if the right job comes along). Here’s how to ensure companies can find you.
Interview Ace the Job InterviewA job interview, of course, is what is going to get you a job offer – or not. Take the time to prepare. Research the company before you go for the interview, dress appropriately, practice answering and asking interview questions, and make a concerted effort to impress the interviewer with your skills, experience, confidence, and expertise.
Follow Up Follow Up After the Interview Don’t forget to follow up with a thank you note reiterating your interest in the job. Most candidates don’t bother, but those that do are more likely to get hired.