
In today's world of work, the focus is on competitive performance. Increasingly, the skills that bring cost-effective results to your business, is the talent of your workforce. At Fulcrum Resources, we ensure this through the thoroughness of our selection and, most significantly through predictive assessments to confirm the abilities of our people.

As a client of Fulcrum Resources, you can be assured of the best possible match of candidates to your needs. Each assessment has been validated by independent sources and their relevance and accuracy has been proven in real work conditions to ensure they reliably predict actual performance in the workplace. In the recent years, there has been a spurt in the application of behavioral assessment tools for talent attraction, engagement and retention. Organizations want to ensure that the best-fit candidate gets recruited for a role – be it a fresh recruitment or an internal movement. Employers, in the manufacturing and services sectors alike, are making educated choices in the application of scientific tools to fit people into roles best suited for them.

We offer well-researched and highly standardized, renowned tests that helps organizations to assess strengths of an individual, predict behavioral patterns while working in a role and a team. These tests also help in determining development plans for a person and plan various HR interventions for a team and your organization.


  • Psychometric testing for selection and development
  • Assessment Centre’s and Development Centre’s
  • Competency Based Interviewing
  • Career assessment and counseling support for educational institutions
  • 360 degree feedback
  • Training in psychometric testing and certification workshops
  • Individual counseling
  • Our clients benefit from

    • The simplicity, efficiency and customization offered by our assessment tools
    • Scientific decision making while minimizing bias and errors in judgment
    • Identifying behavioral pre-requisites for any role to optimize job fitment
    • Developing training and development plans that complement an individual’s natural talent and potential
    • A deeper appreciation of the motivational drivers of individuals and groups which enables design of impactful reward programs